Breast cancer awareness creation on radio, and screening in schools and communities

  • LeKMA: Collaborate with local radio stations to air PSAs (Public Service Announcements) about breast cancer awareness, emphasizing the importance of regular screenings. Healthcare professionals, survivors, and advocates for live interviews. Discuss symptoms, risk factors, and screening methods.

LeKMA Collaborates for Infant and Young Child Feeding Demonstrations

In a concerted effort to promote optimal nutrition for infants and young children, the Ledzokuku-Krowor Municipal Assembly (LeKMA) is partnering with local communities. Here’s a glimpse of our collaborative initiative:

  1. Community Demonstrations:
    • LeKMA is organizing practical sessions in selected communities to demonstrate proper infant and young child feeding practices.
    • These demonstrations focus on essential aspects such as breastfeeding techniques, complementary feeding, and dietary diversity.
  2. Awareness and Education:
    • Through community gatherings, LeKMA disseminates knowledge about the importance of early nutrition.
    • We emphasize exclusive breastfeeding, timely introduction of complementary foods, and balanced diets.
  3. Empowering Caregivers:
    • LeKMA engages parents, caregivers, and community health workers.
    • We equip them with evidence-based information and skills to enhance feeding practices.
  4. Monitoring and Support:
    • Regular follow-ups ensure sustained adherence to recommended feeding practices.
    • LeKMA collaborates with health facilities and community leaders to provide ongoing support.

Together, we strive to nurture healthy, thriving children by fostering informed feeding choices.


As today marks the World AIDs Day,the Ledzekuku Municipal AIDs Committee in collaboration with the Municipal Education Directorate organised a Sensitization Program on HIV /AIDs and a Disclosure to the Southern Cluster of school children to mark the Day.