On Tuesday 21st December,2021 the Ledzokuku Municipal Assembly held its maiden meeting on inter- service and sectorial collaboration with a call on stakeholders to work together to improve upon service delivery at the Municipal level.
The purpose of the inter-service collaboration is to facilitate unity of effort, achieve common objectives, provide common understanding, and develop an effective local platform to work.
In a welcome address, the Municipal Chief Executive for LeKMA Hon. Modecai Quarshie said
a lot has to be done Interms of assisting each other as a body and collaborating practically for the betterment of the Assembly.
He said stakeholders can achieve collaboration and co-operation through networking communication, co-ordination of functions and resources

INTER-SERVICE AND SECTORIAL COLLABORATION MEETING On Tuesday 21st December,2021 the Ledzokuku Municipal Assembly held its maiden meeting on inter- service and sectorial collaboration

On Tuesday 21st December,2021 the Ledzokuku Municipal Assembly held its maiden meeting on inter- service and sectorial collaboration with a call on stakeholders to work together to improve upon service delivery at the Municipal level.
The purpose of the inter-service collaboration is to facilitate unity of effort, achieve common objectives, provide common understanding, and develop an effective local platform to work.
In a welcome address, the Municipal Chief Executive for LeKMA Hon. Modecai Quarshie said
a lot has to be done Interms of assisting each other as a body and collaborating practically for the betterment of the Assembly.
He said stakeholders can achieve collaboration and co-operation through networking communication, co-ordination of functions and resources.

Zoom Lion Ghana has presented a refuse compactor to Ledzokuku Municipal Assembly – LEKMA to aid operation clean your frontage initiative.

Operation clean your frontage is an initiative of the Greater Accra Regional Minister, Hon. Henry Quartey to keep Accra clean.
The formal presentation was made by Greater Accra Regional Manageress of Zoom Lion, Madam Elizabeth Kofie to the Assembly at a short ceremony.
The compactor was received by Ledzokuku Municipal Chief Executive Mordecai Quarshie. Present at the Ceremony was Mr. John Tsikor, Municipal Coordination Director.


On Tuesday 7th December, 2021, the Ledzokuku Municipal Assembly held a staff durbar on the premises of the assembly’s office to introduce the new Municipal Chief Executive, Honourable Mordecai Quashie to the entire staff and also discuss issues affecting the municipality.
The M.C.E, in his remarks outlined his vision for the assembly and promised improvements in areas that have fallen short. To ensure this happens, Hon. Quashie inaugurated five (5) teams namely Sanitation Committee, Municipal Security Fund Committee, IGF Technical Committee, Building Permit Audit Committee and Stakeholder Engagement Committee.
Time was given to assembly members to ask questions and give suggestions on matters hindering the efforts of members as they work to bring about progress.
The durbar was successful and members were glad to be a part of it. They committed to work with the M.C.E to make LEKMA one of the best, if not the best municipal assembly in Ghana.


Good morning, Chairperson, the Municipal Chief Executive, Hon. Mordecai Quashie, Nii M333, Naa M333,our hardworking farmers, distinguished colleagues,ladies, and gentlemen, all protocols duly observed.
I am delighted to be here this morning, and to be in the company of the men and women whose everyday labour feeds us, keeps us alive, and contributes significantly to the growth of our nation. We cannot fulfil the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 2, which asks us to develop sustainable solutions to eradicate hunger in all its manifestations by 2030, ensure food security, and enhance nutrition, without the labour of our farmers and fisherfolk.
With agriculture employing the majority of Ghanaians, a day set aside to commemorate their accomplishments is well-deserved and let me encourage our farmers and fisher-folk of my continuous support and solidarity with them.
Ladies and gentlemen, the subject for this year’s celebration, “Planting for Food and Jobs: Consolidating Food Systems in Ghana,” puts a responsibility on all of us to work together to guarantee that all resources are available to enhance food systems in the nation. Prior to 2017, the sector’s performance has been unpredictable, with a 0.8 percent growth rate in 2011, one of the lowest in contemporary times. It improved, marginally, to 3.1 percent in 2016, and no finer narrative could be told. This might be related to the insufficiency of modern agricultural techniques, indicating the need for us all to work together to improve food production in Ghana.
However, this is not the major reason we have convened here today
The major purpose for our convening here today is to honour and thank the hardworking farmers of our constituency. As the one famous person said, “if you ate today, thank a farmer and a fisherman,” and I personally want to thank the farmers and our fisherfolks of the Ledzokuku Municipal Assembly for their hard work and dedication
Gentlemen and Ladies, I want for all of us here to pause for a minute of silence to remember our friends and family who have died at sea in the last year. May their souls rest in perfect peace.
I want to stress that I am aware of some of the difficulties that farmers and fisherfolk have in carrying out their responsibilities in this constituency, particularly the fisher men. I use this opportunity to convey my condolences to the families who have lost loved ones to the Teshie Landing beach, the Sangonaa. I want to assureall of us gathered here today, that I have initiated the necessary steps, by filing a question to the minister responsible for TRANSPORT, regards concerns over the positioning of the breakwater project at the Sangonaa. With the hope that he can provide answers that should address the concerns of the people.
Let me repeat that no one, especially our fisher folks, no one must lose a life on the sea. It is a disaster that should not have happened and we shall do everything possible to prevent any future occurrence.(REPEAT AGAIN)
I’d like to conclude by thanking and applauding our farmers and fishermen of Ledzokuku their outstanding response to the Government’s “Planting for Food and Jobs” campaign. An effort that has allowed our nation to not only expand food production, but also to export food to our neighbours for the first time in a long time. I encourage all partners to continue to collaborate closely with the government to ensure that the agriculture sector’s potential is fully realized for the benefit of the people of our nation. We will continue to work hard to restore agriculture’s pride of place in the nation and to guarantee that our farmers and fisherfolk are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. As a result, I am calling for even more support for this project and other agricultural initiatives as they develop
I must repeat what an honour it is to have been present today to address this great gathering and I thank you all for having me. May God bless our famers and fisherfolk, and may God bless us all, and our homeland Ghana, and make her great and strong.
Thank you